On Thursday I was six hours into my homework when I had an urge for ice cream and a cache. I called my buddy Mitch, who has gone caching with me before, and asked him if he was up for it. We decided to get Monster sized milkshakes and then moved out to New Palestine Cemetery. When we were on the way we cut through the highschool parking lot. While we were there we got stuck behinde a biker, finnaly breaking free and entering the cemetery, we went pretty much straight to the cache. On our way out we passed the biker whom seemed scared to see us.
Sorry for no picture of the container my phone died on the way, this was taken on Mitch's phone.
What was there?
There wasn't a lot because the cache was a micro but there was a pencil sharpener and some other small toys
What did you take?
Sorry for no picture of the container my phone died on the way, this was taken on Mitch's phone.
What was there?
There wasn't a lot because the cache was a micro but there was a pencil sharpener and some other small toys
What did you take?
Looks pretty cool, I get freaked out doing graveyard caches but most times it usually is fun. I like old stones with whole families and stuff. If you really think about it, it's kinda weird. Your 6 feet away front who knows what?